The Blackbird Who Dreamed

O’Maria Sephers is a senior who is passionate about poetry. She is particularly interested in anything that can be related too. Her favorite authors are Maya Angelou, Porsha Olayiwola, and Rudy Francisco.


Although it was never caged,

wings never clipped,

voice never thrown,

or feet never tied.


It never tried to claim the sky.


Instead it daydreamed of,

humid Mississippi breeze,

sun-kissed feathers,

or soaring above oceans.


Although it was never caged,

wings never clipped,

voice never thrown,

or feet never tied.


It never tried to sing.


The fear of being,


strange fruit-

Occupied its mind.


Although it was never caged,

wings never clipped,

voice never thrown,

or feet never tied.


It never tried to move.


Wrong movement lead to,



Beaten until unrecognizable.


Although this Blackbird was never caged,

wings never clipped,

voice never thrown,

or feet never tied.


Blackbird didn’t speak unless spoken to,

Blackbird didn’t look at their wives,

Blackbird didn’t attempt to learn to read,

Blackbird didn’t use their fountains,

Blackbird didn’t enter their stores,

Blackbird only did what they told it to do.


For fear of being,


strange fruit-

Occupied its mind.


Blackbird only dreamed.


So tell me Blackbird,

When will you act upon your dreams?

When will you attempt to fly?

Attempt to be free?